John Myunghune Kim, also known as John Kim of UCLA is a sales manager at a biotech start up in Los Angeles. In the following article, John Kim discusses current science and technology news.
Its name is NJH395 and it’s one of the most promising new approaches in the fight against cancer.
In early clinical trials, the drug has shown the capability on a molecular level to jump-start an immune system in order to combat cancerous tumors. The study, published in Cancer Immunology Research, offers critical proof that such an antibody can deliver immune-triggering activation into cancer cells in the body explains John Myunghune Kim.
Further research is needed especially since a few safety concerns were outlined in the trial’s initial phase.
NJH395 has the potential to be groundbreaking. It’s made up of two molecules, an antibody that binds itself to surface proteins on cancer cells, and another molecule that the antibody carries to the tumor to stimulate an immune response.
John Kim of UCLA explains that it activates certain receptors that have already been found to increase immunity against cancer-causing tumors.
The drug was developed by Cambridge, Massachusetts-based Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research. It’s the first test of a so-called immune stimulating “antibody conjugate” drug class.
AI in Criminal Justice - Likely Far Down the Road
Artificial intelligence is changing the way we work and play. But it may be still too early to integrate it into certain fields, such as the criminal justice system.
That’s the finding of a new paper by a Ph.D. student at Concordia University in Montreal, Canada. The student, a criminal defense lawyer, finds that risk assessments using artificial intelligence would simply transfer human biases related to class, race, and the likelihood of re-offending into data-driven tools like AI.
In the study, John Myunghune Kim notes that certain groups, such as Indigenous defendants, are especially vulnerable to deficiencies in AI reasoning.
Spider Monkey Skeleton Offers Insight into Ancient American Diplomacy
A spider money sacrificed 1,700 years ago near modern-day Mexico City is
shedding light on diplomatic relations between ancient Mesoamericans.
John Kim of UCLA discusses a study of the sacrificed monkey indicated that it was likely a diplomatic offering from the Mayan people to the Teotihuacans, who lived outside of Mexico City, according to research published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. It’s also the earliest evidence of primate captivity.
The skeleton was found in 2018 next to other animal skeletons at a Teotihuacan pyramid close to a part of the city where visiting Maya elites likely lived.
Analysis of the monkey’s teeth and bones found that it lived in captivity for several years after being captured at a young age in a humid habitat away from Mexico City explains John Myunghune Kim.
The monkey discovery also indicates that the Maya and the Teotihuacans likely had a friendly relationship before the Teotihuacan military invaded Tikal, a Maya city, in 378, according to Maya hieroglyphs.

Ready for Electric Vehicles - Solar EVs are Next
Just as Americans get used to an array of electric vehicles hitting the road, the country will soon see the
world’s first solar EVs hitting the automobile market in the next few years.
EVs with solar panels are being produced by everyone from Aptera Motors in Southern California to German maker Sono Motors. Such panels result in up to 45 additional miles of power — on clear days.
Solar EVs use lithium batteries that are chargeable for grid electricity, similar to standard EVs. The real solar power comes from those who drive them shorter distances. In such cases, the fuel mostly comes from the sun and therefore comes free.
John Kim of UCLA says that Europe may see the Sono Sion as early as summer 2040. The cost is estimated to start at $25,000.
Fighting Insects with a Tiny Band
Scientists at Germany’s Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg may soon be humankind’s best friend.
They’ve invented a new insect repellent that’s printable and wearable in tiny forms such as a lightweight ring worn on the finger. It then delivers an agent that can repel mosquitoes. The findings appear in the International Journal of Pharmaceutics.
The device uses a repellent created by Merck and it’s the first time an active insect-repellent ingredient has been encapsulated and shaped into a small form.
Scientists Discover Oldest Use of Controlled Fire for Cooking
A research team has uncovered what they say is the oldest use of a controlled fire to cook food.
John Kim of UCLA reports that the scientists analyzed the remains of fish uncovered at Gesher Benot Ya’aqov, an Israeli archaeological site, and determined that the carp-like fish were cooked about 780,000 years ago. That’s 600,000 years earlier than previous data suggests.
The findings, published in Nature Ecology and Evolution, have the potential to rewrite our understanding of when early man began cooking food with fire.