If you are presently searching for the best Viagra pills for women, don't worry, you are not alone. Although loss of libido isn't a subject that's likely to come up over a cup of coffee, many women have the same problem.
Low libido is nothing to be ashamed of. Nor is it a problem that cannot be fixed. There are some excellent natural supplements that can help.
Even when the desire for sex is there, some women have issues with vaginal dryness that make sex uncomfortable. This is also an issue that can be quickly remedied without the need for a prescription or using products that contain chemicals or drugs.
In this article, we are going to introduce you to two of the best Viagra pills for women. We are also going to look at the two best sex pills for women over 50. Depending on the problems you are presently having, you may only need the help of the pills or the gel. Then again, it may be best to use both.
In addition to providing information about the four best instant arousal pills for women, we will also look at some of the main reasons that make them necessary.
However, you do not need to read this supplementary information. We are only including it to help women who are experiencing low libido or other sexual issues and are wondering what has gone wrong.
Best Viagra Pills for Woman 2024
- Oh Yes - Best Viagra Pills for Woman
- EstroCare - Best Menopause pills for women
All four of these best natural libido pills for females are safe and natural, have no side effects, and are available without a prescription.
The sex pills will help you to get your motor running, while the gels further oil the wheels of love. As we pointed out earlier, you may not need to use both together, but many women do.
Oh Yes: Best Viagra Pills for Woman

Men who have sexual potency issues often use that famous "blue pill." You know the one we mean. It's called one of the
best female Viagra pills.
Now women have access to the best natural libido pills for females too, only in this case the color is pink instead of blue. It's called Oh Yes and it's specially formulated to boost female libido naturally while also providing menopausal relief.
Click here to Visit Oh Yes (Official Website)
Menopause causes many hormonal changes in women's bodies some of which can suppress libido and cause vaginal dryness. In the US, the average woman hits menopause at age 51.
However, some women have to contend with these changes when they are as young as 30. The symptoms of menopause can hang around for a long time as well. You may be surprised to learn some women have to endure hot flashes, low libido, vaginal dryness, and other symptoms of menopause for as long as 20 years.
Not only is this unpleasant, if it interferes with a woman's ability to have or enjoy sex, it can put a strain on even the most loving of relationships.
By regulating the hormonal issues causing the problems, boosting libido, and providing additional benefits that can put the joy back into sex, Oh Yes has already helped improve the lives of tens of thousands of women, all over the world.
The results of one survey show 97.74% of women with experience using Oh Yes reported increases in sexual satisfaction. It's a fast-acting formula too. Many women notice improvements in libido within the first seven days and benefits increase over time.
As is the case with all the
best female libido boosters, Oh Yes is only available from the manufacturer's website. However, the site offers several money-saving special deals along with a generous 67-day money-back guarantee.
Oh Yes Benefits
- Relieves the symptoms of menopause
- Boosts female sex drive
- Increases vaginal lubrication
- Heightens sexual sensitivity
- Doctor-recommended pill for boosting female libido
How Oh Yes Works
Oh Yes is a safe and natural supplement that increases libido in women by providing a cutting-edge formulation that contains 18 carefully-chosen natural ingredients.
Working together, they regulate the three key sex hormones (estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone), helping to support women through all three stages of menopause. In addition to helping improve menopausal women's quality of life and sexual pleasure, the hormone-regulating ability of the pink pill may also protect against menopausal weight gain.
Some of the key ingredients in the formulation include black cohosh, ginseng, and Ginkgo biloba. Research shows black cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) has a lot of credibility as a non-estrogenic alternative to hormone replacement therapy (HRT). [1]
Ginseng! If you haven't heard about it, where have you been? It's probably the most famous natural aphrodisiac in the world. In China, ginseng is also highly revered as a life-giving herb.
Ginseng's reputation as a libido booster is not built on hearsay. There's plenty of proof that shows it's a powerful sex tonic that works. The results of one study are particularly noteworthy because it evaluated and proved the herb's ability to improve sexual arousal in menopausal women. [2]
Ginkgo biloba is another popular herb that boasts research-backed abilities as a female libido enhancer. In one study, conducted on post-menopausal women in Tehran, the herb delivered significant improvements in sexual desire. [3]
Several B vitamins are included in the line-up. Although they are partly present due to their ability to support the production of sex hormones, B vitamins also boost energy. That's going to be handy for those occasions when sex play becomes an all-night session.
EstroCare: Best Menopause for women & Best Female Libido Boosters

EstroCare is another top-ranking, libido booster sex pill for women. But will it be your solution?
If you want to regain your appetite for sex, enjoy faster arousal, and have a vagina that is well-lubed instead of dry, EstroCare could very well be your solution and, like
Oh Yes.
Click here to Visit Official Website of ESTROCARE
EstroCare libido booster also has a few other things in common with
Oh Yes. Firstly, it's a doctor-recommended sex supplement for women that does not require a prescription. It is also a fast-acting option that starts delivering its libido enhancements within the first week and continues to build up the benefits over time.
One of the things these pills do well is improve orgasm intensity. Some women who have experience with the product are bold enough to admit they'd never had an orgasm until they began using EstroCare.
All things considered, it's not surprising that this sex supplement for women is as popular as it is. If there's always something missing, and you are tired of giving but never getting, EstroCare will certainly be the best solution to choose.
EstroCare Benefits
- Increases sexual appetite
- Reduces vaginal dryness
- Enhances sexual sensation
- Natural libido boosters
- Supports faster full-body arousal
- Makes orgasm easier and more pleasurable
How EstroCare Best Female Libido Boosters Pills Work
EstroCare is another one of the Best natural libido pills for females that is solely powered by natural ingredients. There are six in total. One is a B vitamin and the other five come from plants. We might as well deal with the B vitamin first.
In common with all B vitamins, niacin (vitamin B3) is good for boosting energy. It also aids vasodilation. This is a relaxing of the blood vessels that improves circulation. The improvement benefits the entire body, the sex organs included.
As with the previous female libido pills, EstroCare takes advantage of the aphrodisiacal abilities of ginkgo biloba. [3]
However, any similarities there are between the two formulations end there. Instead of ginseng, EstroCare female sex enhancement pills provide Epimedium sagitattum and, in place of black cohosh, it has cayenne pepper.
Cayenne may seem like a strange inclusion but, when it comes to spicing up your sex life, it works surprisingly well and, due to its ability to enhance circulation, it partners with niacin well.
If you want to throb with pleasure, you need plenty of blood. Cayenne and niacin help it to get to the places it needs to be.
Also known as Horny Goat Weed, Epimedium sagitattum is a respected natural aphrodisiac that is good for treating male impotence and enhancing women's sexual desire. [4]
Her Solution Arousal Gel: Improved Sexual Pleasure
Although Her Solution Arousal Gel is an excellent companion product for Her Solution libido-boosting pills, some women get along fine with the gel alone. It provides a rapid hands-on approach to vaginal dryness, while also increasing female libido and desire for sex.
After application, the gel doesn't just tackle vaginal dryness, it also enhances sexual pleasure. This is largely due to the gel's ability to dilate the blood vessels around the vulva and clitoris, allowing them to become extra sensitive as they swell with blood.
Unlike standard drugstore lubes, Her Solution Arousal Gel is 100% natural. It does not contain any parabens of other chemicals that may irritate the sensitive tissue in and around the vagina, potentially presenting an increased risk of infections.
As with Her Solution sex pills, the arousal gel has a 67-day money-back guarantee. It's also worth being aware of the Her Solution special offers that allow you to get free tubes of arousal gel by ordering two or more boxes of Her Solution pills.
Her Solution Arousal Gel Benefits
- Moistens the vagina
- Increases appetite for sex
- Stimulates rapid full-body arousal
- Enhances sexual sensation and pleasure
- ideal for the female body and women's sexual health
How Her Solution Arousal Gel Works
One of the things women and their partners love about this sex gel is the super slippery texture. This is largely due to the presence of an olive oil compound called olive squalene but not entirely so. The gel also contains other natural lubricants including cocoa butter and shea butter.
The gel has 11 libido boosters (ingredients) in total and not all of them are there to improve lubrication. Some enhance sexual sensation, while others help to support good vaginal health.
Much of the improvements in sensation are due to the presence of L-arginine. It's an amino acid that relaxes the blood vessels, allowing the female sex organs to swell up with blood. [5]
Menthol is included for its cooling nature. It also has antibacterial abilities that contribute to the overall wellness of the vagina. [6]
Vigorelle: Best Instant Stimulation
Vigorelle is another premium female sex gel that has a 67-day money-back guarantee. Although there are differences between the two formulations, the benefits Vigorelle and Her Solution lubricating gel provide are more or less the same. Instant sexual arousal gels can be used in tandem with female enhancement pills.
Both libido boosters are far superior to standard sex gels for women. The truth is, there is not a lot to choose between them.
Vigorelle Benefits
- Provides instant arousal
- Relieves vaginal dryness
- Intensifies feelings of sexual desire
- Not sticky like standard drugstore lubes
How Her Solution Arousal Gel Works
Some of the pleasure this sex gel provides is due to the presence of L-arginine. [5] It also provides ginkgo biloba to enhance moisture retention and offer protection against bacteria.
Wild yam extract is another key player in the formulation, which has been linked to female hormone regulation and improvements in the symptoms of menopause.
Factors that Can Cause Low-Libido in Women
- Female sexual dysfunction
- Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
- Menopausal symptoms
- Hormonal imbalances
- Mental health issues
The desire to have sex is motivated and influenced by several factors. Some of them relate to the body, while others are due to the mind.
For instance, negative emotions such as stress and anxiety can reduce libido and make women feel less inclined to have sex and have a low sexual desire.
Certain lifestyle factors, such as drinking too much alcohol or using certain drugs or medications, can cause further hormonal disruptions. So can some illnesses such as diabetes, thyroid issues, cancer, and high blood pressure.
Are Female Libido Booster Pills Necessary?
Many women use pills and supplements to boost their libido and love them so much that there is no going back. In addition to putting the spark back into their relationships, many women find the options they choose greatly increase their sexual pleasure.
Unfortunately, many women experience vaginal dryness and lack of libido due to hormonal issues that are beyond their control.
Menopause is an obvious example and, although HRT is one possible solution, many women prefer not to go that route. And, with side effects such as bloating, headaches, leg cramps, blood clots, and weight gain, who can blame them?
So, although no woman ever needs to use sex pills and gels, it's not surprising that so many do.
Sex Enhancer Pills or Gels: Which Option Is Best?
Female libido-boosting products come in two main forms. First and arguably most popular, are the pill-type supplements women need to take every day.
Secondly, there are topical options that need to be rubbed onto the clitoris and or inside the vagina just before sex. Both options have their pros and cons and many women use both together.
However, each woman needs to make her decision about which option(s) to use based on her situation and requirements.
Gels are quick-fix remedies that directly stimulate the female genitalia, helping it to become instantly ready for play. Supplements work with a somewhat slower burn.
In the case of
Oh Yes and Her Solution sex pills, it may take up to a week for the benefits to become apparent. Compared to the sex pills most women end up buying over the counter (OTC) or online, that's fast, but it is the equivalent of a snail hogging the slow lane in comparison to any of the best libido-boosting gels.
However, unlike arousal gels, oral supplements are not working from the outside in. They work from the inside, causing gradual changes to female hormonal health, improving the overall situation for the better.
Once the benefits kick in, they are there to stay. Best instant arousal pills for women work for the long haul. They may also provide additional benefits such as improvements in energy and relief from the symptoms of menopause.
Nevertheless, women who suffer from vaginal dryness may be better off choosing a gel. At least in the early days, until their best female libido boosters pills start to work.
Then again, women who already have the desire for sex but are hindered by vaginal dryness may be happy to continue using only a gel. In doing so, they can spare themselves a daily expense by only using the treatment at appropriate times.
Beginners Guide to Best sex pills for women over 50: What to Look For
If you already have previous experience buying and using female sex products, either for boosting libido or tackling vaginal dryness, you may have learned the hard way that most of the options available are not as good as they seem.
It's very easy to fall for clever marketing hype. It's also very disheartening when you do and, let's face it, nobody likes wasting money.
If you are looking for a product that will help you to get your sex life back on track, we suggest you choose one or more of the options we recommend. All of them are high-quality items produced by reputable manufacturers that offer lengthy money-back guarantees. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
However, on the off-chance that you decide to go it alone, we've put together this buyer's guide.
Reputable Manufacturers/Money-Back Guarantees
All the top manufacturers back their female sex pills and gels with money-back guarantees. If they can do it, how come so many other manufacturers don't?
The answer to that is obvious. It's a lack of faith in their products. They know that if they had to refund every disgruntled customer, they would very quickly go broke.
Forget how well women's sex enhancement supplements and products are presented and take the big claims with a dose of salt, if manufacturers are not offering any guarantees, take it as a very bad sign.
Libido Boosters Good Customer Reviews
Customer reviews are important. They show what products can do. They also reveal any side effects that may be an issue. So always check the products you are considering have good customer reviews. If they are doctor-recommended, take that as a good sign too.
Proven Ingredients for Sexual Dysfunction
All the best libido-boosting supplements and gels for women contain ingredients that have abilities that are backed by scientific research, such as ginseng and Horny Goat Weed.
If you cannot find any science to support a product's abilities, there is every chance none exists. Proven ingredients provide proven benefits and customer satisfaction. All the top manufacturers use ingredients like these in their products. That's why they are confident enough to back them with guarantees. They are known as the best sex pills for women over 50.
Fair Pricing
Don't make the mistake of thinking sex supplements and gels being sold at high prices will offer the best results. Many of the worst products have very high prices. That's because the manufacturers are using a very special type of business model. It's called taking the money and running.
Regardless of the brand, if you see sex pills or gels with prices of $100 or more per item, turn and walk away. All the best options cost considerably less than that.
Special Deals
Special deals are not a necessity but it's always great when they are there. Some manufacturers offer the opportunity to buy two boxes and get another one free. Others offer discounts on larger orders instead, while some are willing to bundle in free complementary products.
Buying one box of best libido pills for women every month and paying full price is always more expensive than buying enough boxes to last several months and bagging a discount.
Female Libido Boosters FAQs
Are female sex pills and gels safe?
All the top options are produced by reputable manufacturers who use safe and natural ingredients. Unless you are allergic to any of the ingredients, there should be no problems. Side effects are extremely rare with these types of products.
However, women who have existing health issues, such as diabetes, are pregnant or nursing a child, or are using medication should always check with a doctor before using supplements of any kind.
Do I need to take libido booster pills every day?
Yes. It's the only way to ensure lasting long-term benefits. The improvements you experience will gradually fade after the active ingredients have left your system. Depending on your metabolism, it may take a few weeks but you will still be back to square one. So make sure you take the best libido pills for women.
Best viagra pills for woman - Bottom line
This article introduces the
best sex pills for woman and arousal gels for women, along with additional helpful information.
Throughout the article, we have stressed that the choice to use pills, gels, or both is one that women need to make on an individual level. We have also pointed out the various pros and cons relating to each of the two options.
In addition to these things, we have looked at the way lifestyle changes may offer an alternate solution. Although no one solution is right for all women, there are several options. No woman has to go through her life in a state of extended sexual repression or experience discomfort during sex.
Reference Sources
- Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga Racemosa) Is a Non-estrogenic Alternative to Hormone Replacement Therapy: https://clinphytoscience.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40816-015-0013-0
- Effects of Korean Red Ginseng on Sexual Arousal in Menopausal Women: Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Crossover Clinical Study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20141583/
- Triple-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial of Ginkgo Biloba Extract on Sexual Desire in Postmenopausal Women in Tehran: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4061626/
- Horny Goat Weed: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319535032_Horny_Goat_Weed
- l-Arginine Induces Nitric Oxide–Dependent Vasodilation in Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia: https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/full/10.1161/01.cir.93.1.85
- Effects of Subinhibitory Concentrations of Menthol on Adaptation, Morphological, and Gene Expression Changes in Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3416409/