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Retired Cold Case Homicide Detective and Author of Cold Case Christianity at The Ocean City Tabernacle on August 8

Warner Wallace


Warner Wallace, retired cold case homicide detective and Adjunct Professor of Apologetics at Biola University will be speaking at 8:30 am and 10:30 am morning services at the Ocean City Tabernacle this Sunday, Aug 6th.

Wallace, a police veteran for over 25 years, was a passionate atheist until the age of 35. From his work as a detective, he developed a healthy respect for the role of evidence in discerning truth. He decided one day to examine the evidence for the Christian Worldview, ultimately determining that Christianity was true.

Wallace has been featured repeatedly on Dateline, FOX News and Court TV for his professional investigative work.  He was also featured in the 2016 film, God’s Not Dead 2.  Wallace speaks at churches, retreats and camps as he seeks to help people become “Christian Case Makers.”

The Tabernacle hosts distinguished guest speakers and performers every Sunday morning through September 10th. Keep up with the full list of events and speakers online at www.octab.org


Located at 550 Wesley Avenue in Ocean City, NJ, the Ocean City Tabernacle is an inter-denominational Christian worship and event center open to all. The Tabernacle is the historic center of the City of Ocean City which was established as a “Christian Seashore retreat” in 1879. This year will mark the organization’s 138th year of ministry.