Home Latest Stories Helicopter Crashes in Marsh Near Ocean City Airport

Helicopter Crashes in Marsh Near Ocean City Airport

Ocean City emergency crews responded to a helicopter crash in the marshlands next to the Ocean City Municipal Airport.

On Friday morning, Ocean City Police and Fire Department personnel responded to a helicopter crash near the runway at the Ocean City Municipal Airport.

The crash occurred around 9:30 a.m. on the west side of the airport tarmac in marshland. The helicopter was on its side with two occupants still inside. They got out of the helicopter on their own and were treated by fire personnel.

The occupants were identified as Harvey Shubart, 62, of Doylestown, Pa. and Ocean City, and Carol Gray, 64, of Bear, Del. They were then taken to Shore Medical Center in Somers Point for non-life threatening injuries.

Shubart is the owner of the helicopter and a flight instructor. Shubart was teaching Gray how to hover when they lost control of the helicopter and made a hard landing in the marshes.

They were the only occupants of the aircraft. It not known what directly contributed to the accident.

The crash remains under investigation by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).