Home What to do Chamber to Roast Susan Sheppard on Sept. 18

Chamber to Roast Susan Sheppard on Sept. 18


The Ocean City Regional Chamber of Commerce will hold its annual roast on Thursday, Sept. 18, at the Flanders Hotel. The event will begin with a social hour at 6 p.m. followed by dinner at 7 p.m. This year’s roastee is Cape May County Surrogate M. Susan Sheppard, Esq.., a former Ocean City councilwoman and Cape May County freeholder.

The dinner is $55 per person. Reservations can be made by calling 609-399-1412 or by e-mailing info@oceancitychamber.com.

The chamber is creating a commemorative program book for the roast. Businesses and individuals are encouraged to send Sheppard best wishes or humorous anecdotes by placing a camera-ready business card size ads in this book. Use the above contact information for more details. Deadline for the program book is Thursday (Sept. 11).