Home News Big Monday: Gallery of Surf and Skate Images

Big Monday: Gallery of Surf and Skate Images


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Fifth Street in Ocean City was the epicenter of stoke on Monday — with surfers screaming down the faces of overhead waves peeling off the Fifth Street jetty, while five blocks down the street, skaters flew off the lip of the bowl at the new skateboard park in town.

The opening of the state-of-the-art concrete park on Thursday coincided nicely with the arrival of a northeast swell that brought the biggest waves of the summer and fall to Ocean City.

The combination brought lots of smiles to the beach, boardwalk and streets on Monday as wave riders and street riders of all ages converged on the island.

Surf conditions improved dramatically on Monday with the long-awaited fading of relentless northeast winds that hammered Ocean City for a week.

In advocating for construction of the new skateboard park, Councilman Mike DeVlieger had talked about capitalizing on the “surf culture” of the island. The crowds at the park in its first few days, and the even bigger throng in the surf on Monday morning are a testament to the power of that culture.

Check out a few images in the gallery above.